Nice to Meet You

Our experience in life really influences our perspective and how we tend to make sense of the world. To understand where a person stands, it is really helpful to understand where they come from. So, here’s a little background on me.

I was raised in Florida by a couple of great midwestern parents. My upbringing steeped me in some very useful ideals like, ‘take pride in your work’, ‘finish what you start’, and ‘live within your means’. Whatever my childhood may have lacked in expansiveness or ambition, it more than made up for with love, safety, and unwavering support. As a result, I think most people would describe me as reliable, strategic, thoughtful, or maybe even prudent. I’m good with all of that, but have worked hard over the past several years to also cultivate the ability to be more bold and open - like building a website called ‘’ and putting a close-up of my face on the home page.

At 18, I went off to West Point with the goal of taking on a big challenge and setting myself up for a solid future. Graduating in June of 2001, I’d planned to complete my mandatory five years of active duty service, go find a ‘real job’, and get on with my life. It didn’t really work out that way. The next ten years were a blur, with some notable highlights including: marrying my college sweetheart, 9/11, Iraq, having a boy, becoming a Green Beret, Afghanistan, having another boy, leaving the Army, working in corporate America, and divorce. Some of it is captured brilliantly in this blog post that tells my personal story of combat, loss, the struggle to come home, and the ultimate path back to a good life. It is both heartbreaking and hopeful, and I think you’ll absolutely find it worth a few minutes of your time.

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I began a new chapter of life in 2012 when I left my corporate job and accepted the role of Executive Director at Team Red, White, and Blue. Over the next five years, my days and weeks were filled with the thrill of growing a movement and the joy of serving my fellow veterans and their families.

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Professionally, it is probably what I’m most proud of and will always be a huge part of my life. Personally, this period in my life was full of new and exciting (sometimes scary) experiences. Most importantly, I met and fell in love with Jeni - my amazing wife, partner, and mother of sweet Penelope.

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Leaving Team RWB in 2017 was difficult, but it was only for an incredible opportunity to join my friend Jason, and an amazing business at GORUCK. While my tenure as President of the company was relatively short - which you can read all about in this piece I wrote about our family’s need to return home to Tampa - I remain involved as an advisor and continue to believe deeply in the ‘rucking revolution’.

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In 2018, I started a small consulting practice providing strategy, leader development, and coaching services to organizations that are seeking to make a social impact. In 2020, I was joined by my amazing friend and partner, Brandon Young and we created Applied Leadership Partners. Since then, we’ve had an absolute blast speaking, coaching, and facilitating for dozens of organizations across the country. It’s also been awesome to be back on a team and building a business around work that we truly believe in. I’ve also had the incredible fortune to work with the George W. Bush Institute as their interim Health and Wellbeing Director, where most of my time has been spent shepherding a mental and brain health solution call Check-In. It continues to be a winding path, but one that I feel lucky to be walking along.