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Maybe we haven’t met yet, but I if you’re here, I’ll bet we have a lot in common. Like you, I’ve spent a lifetime striving, succeeding, failing, and starting over. Over forty years of this has left me with no definitive answers, but it has provided some hard-earned perspective, a ton of interesting questions, and maybe a few nuggets of wisdom.

Start Here

This site is really just a selfish attempt to develop and catalog some of the thoughts that occupy too much space in my brain and on my whiteboard. In doing so, I hope to share something useful, have some fun, and grow a little in the process.

For a little context, please check out my background story and first blog post.

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Professionally, I am a former Green Beret currently working to help organizations and communities achieve their missions. Much more importantly, I’m a dad and husband who is trying (often struggling) to raise a family, stay fit, and have some cool adventures along the way. 

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The blog is a place to share a little about where we’ve been and what we’ve learned. It also provides a venue to ask hard questions, explore new territory, and plan our future adventures. .